Make a Cutlery Wrap

Week 9

This tutorial shows how to upcycle an old pair of pants into a cutlery wrap, but can be easily adapted for any kind of fabric scraps.

What You'll Need

  • Old pair of pants or scrap fabric
  • Scissors
  • Measuring Tape
  • Chalk or fabric pencil
  • Sewing machine or needle and thread
  • Utensils from your kitchen or a second hand shop - I used a knife, fork, spoon and straw. You may also want to carry reusable chopsticks and a cloth napkin.

Let's Make a Cutlery Wrap!

  1. pair of worn out pants

    Grab an old pair of pants (or any scrap fabric). One pant leg was perfect for this project.

  2. knife, fork, spoon and straw lined up on pant leg

    Lay out your utensils to see how much fabric you need. It should be wide enough for all of your utensils to fit side by side and double the height of your tallest piece. When opened, my pant leg was about 19" x 8".

  3. a pant leg that has been cut off

    Cut the pant leg off.

  4. cut in pant leg that opens the tube

    Cut only the top layer about 2/3 of the way up.

  5. rectangle of cut pant fabric with hem being removed

    Open the pant leg and cut the hem off. Don't throw it away, you'll need it later.

  6. short sides of pant fabric pinned down

    Pin the short sides of your fabric about a quarter of an inch on the wrong side and sew.

  7. material folded down and pinned

    Lay your fabric wrong side down. Fold and pin each short side in, right sides touching. You can use your longest piece of cutlery as a guide. I folded the top down about 3" and the bottom up about 4", leaving a 2" gap.

  8. pant material sewn at folds

    Use a straight stitch to sew each pinned section.

  9. Scissors cutting off the corners of sewn pant fabric

    With the fabric still inside out, trim the corners.

  10. fabric gap pinned down

    Turn your fabric right side out. Pin and sew the edges of the gap fabric.

  11. material being measured and marked with chalk

    Divide the bottom flap by the number of utensils you have. I used a straw, knife, fork, and spoon, so I wanted four pockets. Use chalk to mark the lines.

  12. material with two flaps and four sewn dividers

    Straight stitch each chalked line.

  13. hem strip being attached to side of the sewn material

    Grab the pant hem you previously cut off and sew the middle of it to either side of your wrap.

  14. utensils added to wrap

    Add your utensils, one in each pocket, then tuck them under the top flap.

  15. finished cutlery wrap rolled up and tied

    Start rolling from the side without the tie, then use a half knot to keep your wrap bundled.

5 Options for Reusable Cutlery →